Monday, April 26, 2010

Meet Zora Neale Hurston

Hey, so who's ever heard of Zora Neale Hurston? Don't worry if your answer was no, that would've have been my answer a week ago. Now that I know who she is let me brief you. Zora Neale Hurston  was born in Notasulga, Alabama. When she grew up, she became an amazing novelist of the Harlem Renaissance. She was always thought to be "the life of the party" which could be seen in her writing. Whenever you see pictures of Zora you almost always see her wearing her signature hat. Some of Hurston's novels include Jonah's Gourd Vine and Their Eye's Were Watching God. Today I'm here to tell you about Their Eyes Were Watching God. This novel is about an independent woman name Janie Crawford. Throughout the story, you will go through Janie's hopes, dreams, poverty, and lifestyle. Interested yet? Me too! Now I can't tell you everything because well I haven't read the book yet myself, but I will and I'll keep you updated!

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

25 Random Facts About Me

1. I love to dance in the rain!
2. I can't live without my iPod.
3. I want to go to NYU.
4. My favorite book is Pride and Prejudice.
5. I'm a Gleek.
6. When I was little I wanted to be a waitress.
7. My friends and I made a secret hideout in the woods behind my house.
8. I absolutely hate scary movies.
9. I like waffles with ice cream.
10. I've broken my forearm once, and that's the only thing I've broken.
11. I'm not a texter, I prefer talking.
12. I've gone ice skating at Rockefeller Center.
13. I love the fashion from the 1920s and 1940s.
14. I have a first name last name.
15. I did ballet and gymnastics until I was 8.
16. Blue is my favorite color
17. I've always wanted to be in a band.
18. I have an extra bone in my left foot.
19. I want to be a writer.
20. I have a partially photographic memory.
21. I think the best food ever invented is spaghetti
22. I'm a fan of green eyes.
23. My nickname used to be M&M.
24. My favorite drink is coffee.
25. I'm scared of heights.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Imagery in Their Eyes Were Watching God

1. "Time makes everything old so the kissing, young darkness became a monostropolous old thing while Janie talked.” (Page 7)

~ Time loomed on like darkness as Janie began to tell her story to Pheoby.

2. "the great rope of black hair swinging to her waist and unraveling in the wind like a plume” (Page 2)

~ Janie’s hair is described as being beautiful and later proves to be a symbol in the novel.

3. "She had glossy leaves and bursting buds and she wanted to struggle with life but it seemed to elude her.” (Page 11)

~ This imagery is describing the pear tree and comparing it to Janie, who like the tree is blooming into womanhood.

4. "Mind-pictures brought feelings, and feelings dragged out dramas from the hollows of her heart.” (Page 16)

~ Nanny remembers all the hard times from her life, and hopes for a better life for Janie.

5. "They sat on the boarding house porch and saw the sun plunge into the same crack in the earth from which the night emerged.” (Page 33)

~ It’s a new day, and Janie has a new chance for happiness.

6. "The fact that the thought pictures were always crayon enlargements of life made it even nicer to listen to.” (Page 51)

~ Janie believes that talking and listening to stories makes life all the richer.

7. "The new moon had been up and down three times before she got worried in mind.” (Page 22)

~ Janie waited for love to come, but got anxious after several days.

8. "She knew the world was a stallion rolling in the blue pasture of ether.” (Page 25)

~ Life changes fast, just like the wind.

9. "The familiar people and things had failed her so she hung over the gate and looked up the road towards way off.” (Page 25)

~ Everything she thought she knew was wrong and had failed her so she had to look ahead to new hopes and dreams. Janie was being forced to embrace the future.

10. "She slept with the authority and so she was part of it in the town mind.” (Page 46)

~ Janie was the mayor’s wife so that led to unwanted attention and few friendships.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Symbolism in Their Eyes Were Watching God


1. Janie’s hair: Her hair symbolizes herself and her dreams, and how when her hair is free she is free. It also symbolizes her beauty and everyone else's envy. 

2. Overalls: Overalls represent a working class. In the story, Janie enters wearing overalls and the townspeople talk about her and say how overalls are for farmers and poorer people.

3. Pear tree: The pear tree symbolizes Janie's bloom into womanhood as the tree bloomed.

4. Gate: The gate is a key symbol for Janie. She received her first kiss by a gate so it symbolizes love. But later in the story the gate is a symbol of looking ahead to the unknown.

5. Horizon: The horizon symbolizes a new day and the future.

6. Mule: The mule represents Joe's attempt to rekindle his and Janie's love. It also represents Janie letting a bit of herself out trying to stick up for the mule.

7. Head rag: The head rag symbolizes Janie hiding her true self for Joe. When she wears the head rage she gives up her freedom.

8. Checkers: Checkers represent yet another command from Joe to Janie, and anothe rthing he won't let Janie participate in.

9. Joe Stark’s House: Joe paints his house white which symbolizes him trying to show he is better than everyone else. He is almost making himself seem equivalent to the white men.

10. Sun up: The sun up represents a brand new day for Janie.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Meaning Behind the Name

Everyone wanders what their names mean. Seriously, who hasn’t? Some are cooler than others, but nonetheless they all have meanings. Recently, because of this school project I discovered mine. Apparently Emily has been a very popular name for the past 10 years or so. The name Emily was the second most popular female baby name for the past decade (2000-2009). The name Emily itself actually means industrious, admiring, eager, rival, and conscientious. I actually discovered that my name has some fun facts. Emily seemed to be a popular name for tv shows because it is the name of one of the main steam engines on the show "Thomas and Friends" and it was the name of the main character of the Nickelodean show "Pinwheel" which was about a girl named Emily who would only wear red. The name Emily also proved to be popular for songs because it was the title of a Bowling for Soup song and a Dave Koz song. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of name. I'm not really sure if people think I look like an Emily or not, but either way I don't like it that much. My parents must have thought otherwise though. When I asked my mother why she chose my name, she simply said because she liked it and they didn't know many Emilys. Ironically, Emily is and has been one of the most popular girl names for decades. My parents also said they didn't name me after anyone; to them it was just a unique, random name. As I've said I don't like my name very much so of course I was curious as to what other names were under consideration. The only other names under consideration were Lauren, Ashley, and Elizabeth. There were no boy names under consideration because my mom said she just knew that I was going to be a girl. The name Emily, however, does provide me with some cute nicknames. My friends and family have a couple nicknames for me which include Em, Emmi, or M&M.